Minute Masterclass Episode 235

Welcome to your one-minute masterclass. I’m Andrea Trench. If you enjoy our minute masterclasses, consider continuing your professional development as a student in our Foundations Course for Early Childhood Dance Educators and as a member of our DiscoverDance Experience online community. You can learn more about both of these opportunities at DiscoverDance.com.

 This week’s DiscoverDance term is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.  Abraham Maslow discovered humans have certain needs that take precedence over other needs. This discovery resulted in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. The five layers of the hierarchy beginning at the base, which represents the strongest needs in humans, are physiological, safety, love and belonging, self-esteem, and self-actualization. When the bottom physiological needs are largely taken care of, then the safety needs can be met and so forth until one reaches self-actualization. With each step up the hierarchy we meet the needs and continue to climb to the top. Along the way our journey may move down the stairs, and that’s ok. We can recognize what needs to be met before starting the climb back to the top. These needs follow every student into dance class. Using this tool to evaluate and connect with your students improves participation and the learning experience. You can learn how we meet each level of needs in a dance class setting inside module 1, lesson 2 of the Foundations Course for Early Childhood Dance Educators.

 For more information, to enroll in the Foundations Course, or to join the DiscoverDance Experience, visit DiscoverDance.com.

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